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Ernst Hadorn Foundation

Promoting Life Science Research in the University of Zurich since 1984.

Who we are


The Ernst Hadorn Foundation was founded by Prof. Charles Weissmann to honour Ernst Hadorn's contribution to Science and to promote basic scientific research at the University of Zurich. It has provided a professorship at the University of Zurich and provides transitional fellowships for exceptional  post-doctoral researchers of any nationality at the University of Zurich. 

Picture credits: [1] Nöthiger, Rolf. “Ernst Hadorn, a pioneer of developmental genetics.” The International journal of developmental biology 46 1 (2002): 23-7 . [2] The Scripps Research Institute

News & Events

Our call for the Ernst Hadorn Transitional Fellowships is open!

Check the "Research Fellowships" section on information on how to apply.

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